Roger™ SoundField

Use cases

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Beautyshot Roger DigiMaster

Simply redefined classroom amplification

This system amplifies the teacher’s voice at exactly the level required according to the room's acoustics and surrounding noise. This results in easier and improved hearing and understanding , boosting students’ performance and saving the teacher's voice.

Pic school music

Speech understanding in noise and with one speaker

This wireless microphone allows clients to fully focus on a conversation partner. Optimal for places such as small cafés or grocery stores where multiple sounds and voices make it difficult to understand one-on-one conversations.

Roger Supermarket Roger Clip-On Mic

Optimize speech intelligibility in business environments

When running training sessions or making presentations it is crucial that your audience can hear and clearly understand the speaker’s voice. Roger Dynamic SoundField  does not require complex configuration or installation  settings. The system's volume never becomes loud enough to annoy listeners or cause feedback.

Roger Conference Roger Pen