
Use Cases

Web Link: Main use cases of ComPilot Air II
Using ComPilot Air II for phone calls, Using the ComPilot Air II as an audio streamer and Using ComPilot Air II with a Computer or Laptop
User Guide

User Guide: ComPilot Air II
Pairing Guides

Web Link: Pairing guides for mobile phones
How to pair ComPilot, ComPilot II or ComPilot Air II with a mobile phone

Web Link: Pairing guide for TVLink II
Using ComPilot, ComPilot II or ComPilot Air II with a TVLink II for watching TV

Web Link: Pairing guide for RemoteMic
Using ComPilot, ComPilot II or ComPilot Air II with a RemoteMic for conversation over distance
Other Guides

Guide: Overview of the Wireless Communication Portfolio
for professionals and consumers

Guide: Connecting Phonak ComPilot to PC/Laptop
using the Sennheiser BTD 500 adapter, REF: 076-0856

Guide: ComPilot Sennheiser BTD500 Instruction Manual
for professionals and consumers

Guide: ComPilot Air II and RemoteMic Quick Guide
for professionals and consumers

Guide: Wireless Hearing aids Factsheet
How to's

Guide: Wireless Communication Portfolio Demo Guide
How to demo guide wireless accessories
Q: Can Spice or Quest hearing aids be used with ComPilot Air II?
A: No. Only Venture and Belong hearing aids can be used with ComPilot Air II.
Q: What is the ComPilot Air II pairing code for the mobile phone?
A: The ComPilot Air II pairing code is 0000. This is also visible on the back of the ComPilot Air II.
Have a question? We're here to help
Email us, or call to talk with a Phonak support Rep in person.