Field Study: Roger Dynamic SoundField - Study shows better speech recognition at higher noise levels
Mülder, H., 2013
Technical Paper: Phonak Insight. Roger - The new wireless technology standard
Mülder, H., 2013
Technical Paper: The MARRS project: Mainstream Amplification Resource Room Study
Technical Paper: Phonak Compendium: A review of classroom soundfield amplification systems
Appleton, J. et al., 2018
White Paper: Inclusion or exclusion: Children with hearing loss, are they really integrated in the classroom?
Lejon, A., 2013
Journal Article: Dynamic soundfield system impact on the teacher's voice
Duarte da Cruz, A., Alves Silvério,K. C., Veis Ribeiro, V., & Tangerino de Souza Jacob, R., Rev. CEFAC 2016