Q: Is a volume control available with Nios S H2O?
A: Yes, with binaural fittings the push button can be programmed as volume control.
Q: Are tamper-proof battery doors and tamper-proof Roger receivers available for Nios S H2O?
A: Yes.
Q: What Roger receiver options are compatible with Nios S H2O?
A: For Roger: Roger 15 receiver, Roger X via AS15 or ComPilot, Roger MyLink via t-coil.
For Dynamic FM: ML15i receiver, ML Xi via AS15 or ComPilot, MyLink+ via t-coil.
Q: What other accessories are compatible with Nios S H2O hearing aids?
A: ComPilot, EasyCall, DECT, TVLink, RemoteMic, PilotOne and MyPilot are compatible with Nios S H2O.
Q: I have difficulties connecting the Roger receiver to Nios S H2O. What could the problem be?
A: Nios S H2O products have a sticker covering the DAI contacts at the top of the battery compartment. If connecting the Roger 15 design integrated receiver or the AS15 Audio Shoe to one of these instruments, the sticker must be removed from the DAI contacts first.
Q: Is Nios S H2O compatible with CROS?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I use the Power Slim Tube with my pediatric patients?
A: No, the Power Slim Tube is not compatible with Nios S H2O; therefore it can’t be used for pediatric patients.