Are Sky Marvel hearing aids waterproof?
No, Sky Marvel hearing aids are not waterproof. All Sky Marvel models are water-resistant according to IP68 rating.
Are all Sky Marvel models tamperproof?
Tamperproof battery doors and earhooks are available for all traditional BTE models (M, SP) of the Sky Marvel portfolio.
For Sky M-PR rechargeable BTE, there is a tamperproof ear hook and as there is no battery compartment to open, no need for other tamperproofing.
I would like to order a hearing aid with a specific hook color, how do I proceed?
Phonak Sky M comes in 14 housing colors and 7 hook colors that can be changed to suit your client’s preference. The signature colors will ship with specific hook colors as mentioned below. All other housing colors are shipped with a transparent hook. If you need a different hook color with your shipment, please let Customer Service know when placing the order.
Default hook colors:
- Electric Green with Green hook
- Caribbean Pirate with Yellow hook
- Precious Pink with Pink hook
- Alpine White with Blue hook
- Blue Ocean with Purple hook
- Majesty Purple with Orange hook
- All other housing colors come with a transparent hook.
- All housing and hook colors can be mixed and matched to your client’s needs.
What happens to the battery life of Sky M-PR when using Roger?
Below are the approximate streaming times for Sky M-PR when in RogerDirect streaming mode:
- No streaming = 22.5 hours of total battery use
- 5 hrs streaming = 20 hours of total battery use
- 10 hrs streaming = 17.5 hours of total battery use
What happens to the battery life of Sky M-M when using Roger?
Below are the approximate streaming times for Sky M-M when in RogerDirect streaming mode:
- No streaming = 60 hours of total battery use
- 5 hrs streaming = 54 hours of total battery use
- 10 hrs streaming = 48 hours of total battery use
Which charger can be used with the Sky M-PR?
The Sky M-PR can be charged in the BTE RIC charger.
What kind of battery is in the Sky M-PR and how many years should it last?
Lithium Ion. 6 years
What other accessories are compatible with the Sky Marvel hearing aids?
TV Connector, PartnerMic, RemoteControl, Roger Pen iN, RogerSelect™ iN, Roger Touchscreen Mic, Roger Pen, Roger Select™.
Can I use Slim Tube with my pediatric patients below the age of 6?
You can use the new 00 size Slim Tube on patients 36 months and older. The smaller dimensions (both tubing length and canal length) of the new size help to fit the needs of your younger patients. Slim Tubes are not tamperproof, therefore are not recommended for children less than 36 months of age.
How has the Sky M indicator light changed?
Zinc Air indicator light is now green and the low battery indication has changed to be a rapidly repeating blink to draw more attention.
The rechargeable indicator light is multi-color and will flash red for low battery with the same pattern as above.
How long will the indicator light blink green before the battery dies in the Sky M-M?
Approximately 30 mins before battery dies. The indication alert has changed to a rapid repeating flash.
How long will the indicator light blink green before the battery dies in the Sky M-PR?
Approximately 60 mins before battery dies. The indication alert has changed to a rapid red repeating flash.
Which features show that Sky Marvel has been designed specifically for children?
AutoSense Sky OS, Tamperproof doors and pediatric hooks, Mix & Match colors, IP68, 00-pediatric size SlimTube (not for < 36 months of age), Sky Indicator Light patterns, smaller and lighter with RogerDirect.